Autobusvermietung Ludwigshafen bus company in Ludwigshafen

Coach operator Ludwigshafenbus

Hire passenger buses in Saxony and in any other region of Germany

If you are looking to charter street buses with driver next to Saxony or somewhere else in Germany, all you need to do is to request your individual quote by email at . To speed up things, please let us know the following specifications in your letter of inquiry: passenger number, starting and ending place, route, service timeframe. On the basis of these parameters, we are going to carefully answer you with a proposal for your car, minibus or bus tour in Germany and all of Europe.

About our coach company

This website is operated by the coach company "City Tours GmbH - Deutschland". To learn more about City Tours and its coach hire service, please visit our legal notice page.

Tourguide booking in Saxony

In addition to your coach reservation, are you also looking for a popular and entertaining tourguide for sightseeing excursion around Dresden? In this case, we will be happy to help you find guided tours in English and many other languages within and around Dresden and anywhere else in Saxony. Our well trained tour guides will happily make you discover the variety of sightseeing hotspots in Saxony during a sightseeing tour by bus. To get in touch with us, please write to: !

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